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Our Governors

 The role of the governing board is a strategic one. Its key functions are:
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent. 

Sian armitage - Chair of Governors


I joined the team as an Associate Governor and as a member of the Curriculum and Standards Committee in November 2022.  I went on to chair the Curriculum and Standards committee and most recently became Chair of Governors in January 2024. I have an education background having worked as a teacher for over 16 years. I have broad experience of the primary years having had a range of roles and responsibilities in my career. My teaching roles have been both locally and in London.

I am passionate about education, and I hope that my skills and knowledge will contribute positively to the governing board. I have two children currently at Streatley School, and we have seen first-hand the incredible commitment of all the staff. I am so happy to be able to contribute back to the school. 

Lesley roberts - headteacher

I joined Streatley Primary in September 2016 as interim headteacher. I was excited by the possibilities and opportunities at the school and I successfully became substantive Headteacher in February 2017. I have been involved with educational institutions for 22 years in a variety of positions: teacher, senior leader, local authority consultant and national regional adviser.

Since 2011 I have worked in interim leadership positions refining my school vision and adding capacity to school leadership teams. My strengths are matched to Streatley school’s pursuit of excellence. Since September 2016 we have internally coached in teaching and learning, developed vocabulary and phonics teaching to ensure all children have the best start, utilised our natural resources – The Holies (woodlands) and invested in the teaching and learning of maths.

Streatley school children and their families are extremely supportive, and they have a thirst for learning. We aim to create Happy, Healthy Humans.

Rev Ben Phillips - Foundation Governor

After various jobs in hospitality, sales, social work and singing I studied at Cambridge - monkeys and apes and human evolution. This prepared me for a job in industry or the church. The church won.

In over 25 years of training and ministry I have always had a passion to see children prepared for life in the world with the knowledge that they are loved and loveable by a God who has great hopes in them, and whose love is a resource in all that life is.

I have two grown up children who are now both involved in education. I have been a governor for over 20 years at 5 schools and am privileged to be involved in this school.

Katie dickens - Foundation governor

I joined Streatley Primary School Governors in December 2022. I am new to being a governor at a school where I am not the headteacher. I hope that my expertise of over 30 years in the teaching profession, with experience at all ages and stages, over 9 years in headship and my expertise now as a school adviser for the Oxford Diocese Board of Education will be put to good use!

I am married, have three children and love walking my two black labs in the Oxfordshire countryside.

Erica Littlejohns - parent Governor and Vice Chair

I joined the team as a Parent Governor in April 2023 as a member of the Finance and Staffing Committee. As the daughter of a teacher, I have always had a strong appreciation for the huge privilege and responsibility associated with educating the younger generations, so I am honoured to have the opportunity to play a part in shaping the strategic direction for the school.

I am a qualified accountant and have worked in education, financial services, and the tech sector. I’m currently working as a Commercial Director, where I have responsibility for monitoring performance, identifying investment priorities, and improving employee engagement, all of which provide me with a wide range of experiences to draw upon in my role as a Governor.

I have 2 children at Streatley Primary who love being a part of this friendly and nurturing school, and I am passionate about supporting the school to grow and develop so that we continue to attract pupils for generations to come.

Michael Quinton - Parent governor


I am very happy to have recently joined the Governing Board in November 2023 as a Parent Governor (I have one child currently at Streatley Primary School and another expecting to join in September 2024).  I have a background in Finance, having worked for large accountancy firms and the finance departments of large multinational companies. I have previously been a Governor for 7 years at a Junior School in London, supporting the school's financial management. 

I am looking forward to working with the school staff and other Governors in supporting the school to go from strength to strength.


Liz Robertson - Staff Governor

I first came to Streatley School in 2009 and taught Year 1/2 until 2014, when I took a break to concentrate on looking after my children. During this time I became staff governor, under the direction of the previous Headteacher.

Whilst looking after my children I became involved in a language school and worked with the owner to expand the business. I went into many local primary schools teaching French at lunchtime or after school clubs.

I returned to Streatley in September 2020 as a PPA cover teacher. I enjoyed the opportunity of being able to teach all age groups across the school. I then spent a year teaching the Foundation Stage/Year 1 class before moving to Year 3/4, where I am currently. I teach on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and when I’m not at work I am mainly being a taxi driver to my two children!

I became staff governor in June 2024 and I look forward to supporting the school further by working on the governing board. Streatley – a small school with so much to offer.

clerk to governors - See VACancies page

Debi Beaumont - Co-opted governor

It was an honour to join the governing board in 2024 after 6 years of being a parent at Streatley Primary.  Having raised my three children in three different countries, we have experienced a wide range of educational institutions.  Our time as a family at Streatley Primary School was overwhelmingly positive and I have seen my SEN son thrive in this caring environment with teachers dedicated to his learning.

I am keen to now do my part to serve the school and help keep Streatley Primary School as an institution that Streatley can be proud of and that continues to help children of all abilities thrive.  I hope to be able to use my training and knowledge in Special Educational Needs to assist the SENDCo and other teachers in continuing to care for our more vulnerable pupils and ensuring they have a positive school experience.

Details to follow

Local authority governor - vacancy